We, at Genena Development, is committed to implement and maintain an Integrated Quality, Health, Safety & Environment System as per the industry standards & requirements and continually improve its effectiveness throughout its Divisions and Departments.  This Policy Statement shall be communicated to all Divisions, Departments and Employees within the organization and made available to all interested parties. This Policy shall be reviewed by the Management for suitability, sustainability and applicability periodically and will initiate necessary amendments and corrective action.

We shall ensure that it adheres to the following:

  • Strive to achieve customer’s expectations and ensure that their expectations are realistic, achievable and clearly understood
  • Timely delivery of products & service to meet customer’s requirements
  • To protect the Health & Safety of our employees and be committed to prevent their injury and ill health by providing proper welfare and other necessary requirements
  • To protect the environment and comply with all regulatory and statutory requirements laid by the Competent Authority and take effective and necessary steps for prevention of pollution
  • Consistent training of Staff for efficient performance and quality thereby ensuring competency
  • Setting objectives at relevant functional level based on risk and environmental assessments
  • Improving environmental awareness and sustainability of resources
  • Be committed to comply with all the applicable compliance obligations